Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Macini is a Mandeville, Jamaican DANCE HALL artiste based in U.K, whose affiliation with NIGERIA (Africa) was
drawn under the trace of a home renaissance visiting Lagos, Abuja, Jos and Anambra State recently. His hit single BAD GAL,has helped to drive “MISSING YOU BABY” a newly thrown single competing on a cutthroat stand.
“MISSING YOU BABY”, a hit in between hits with the infusion of R/B and DANCEHALLs. He has done big time shows/concerts across Europe and Nigeria has been mapped for the take off of his tour of Africa.
Listen to the new jam below 👉Download🔽
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Title :
Macini - Missing You Baby (With Lyrics)
Description : Macini is a Mandeville, Jamaican DANCE HALL artiste based in U.K, whose affiliation with NIGERIA (Africa) was drawn under th...
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