Wednesday, September 11, 2019
The Naira Marley case is one that is currently the hottest gist in the entertainment industry and even outside of it.
The singer appeared in court for the first time earlier today since his arrest by the EFCC on Friday 10th of May, 2019 in connection with internet fraud alongside Zlatan and three other guys.
However, the issue had a totally different twist when four of the five arrested guys were released including Zlatan with
Naira Marley the only one remanded in custody. Reports have it that the reason for this is because the evidence found against Naira is one that is overwhelming, making it difficult for him to be released.
Reports later came out that the EFCC have filed 11 count charges against the singer in which he pleaded not guilty to, in court earlier today.
Meanwhile, there are reports by a section of the media about Naira’s case not being a serious one, which would mean an eventual freedom for him. However, we think differently from those opinions as we feel the case might just be a more serious one than what is being thought.
We have highlighted five reasons below why we think Naira Marley’s case might just be a serious issue which might deny him freedom for a long, long time.
- While appearing in court today, Naira looked really cold, bothered and devoured of any iota of enthusiasm.
- Naira’s mother was seen crying in the court premises where her son was being arraigned. This is a serious sign that the case might be getting out of hands.
- Naira Marley’s case might be the subject of some ‘underground’ power houses in the judicial sphere who want him nailed and used as a scape-goat for others to learn from.
- Naira’s high history of arrest in the United Kingdom might portray him as a thorough criminal to the Nigerian Judicial players, thereby increasing their thirst to seeing the singer jailed.
- Naira’s past ‘claim of immunity’ to the law in his song (“Am i a yahoo boy”) could send him down the drain.
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Title :
Revealed!!! Five Reasons Why The Naira Marley Case Might Be More Serious Than You Think
Description : The Naira Marley case is one that is currently the hottest gist in the entertainment industry and even outside of it. The singer app...
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